Online Collection Database


The objects of the mukanda initiation
The photos of Herzekiah-Andrew Shanu
Drums from Sub-Saharan Africa
The work of the painter Léon Dardenne
The collection of photographs of Henry Morton Stanley
The collection of ancient maps
The ‘functional’ art of the Omo valley herdsmen
The archaeological excavations of Sanga
Photographs of the expedition of Armand Hutereau
Town and architecture in Congo, 1885-1940
The proverb pot lids of Lower Congo
Stone grave statues from Lower Congo
Persona. Masks of Africa
The Henry Morton Stanley collection of memorabilia
Reality and fiction in ethnographic photography of the 1950s
The urban photography of Joseph Makula
The sketchbooks of the explorers
The actors of Congolese independence
Ovimbundu sculpture
The ethnographic field photographs of Auguste Bal
Looking for traditional music in Congo and in Rwanda in the 1970s
Henry Rosy and the initiation of gaza wuli
Armand Hutereau as an ethnomusicologist
The sculptures of Jane Tercafs (1898-1944)
Henry Morton Stanley’s lantern slides
Chokwe combs