Online Collection Database



headdress, clothing/ornament, colonial administration, local authority, portrait, travel, exploration and research


François Léopold Michel (°1855 - †1932)


Charles François Alexandre Lemaire (°1863 - †1925)

Place of production

Democratic Republic of the Congo > Kivu > Sud-Kivu


Apart from physical anthropological measurement, photography was also used to provide an overview of the various 'races' in Congo. Special attention was paid to physical traits such as filed teeth, 'tattoos’, hair styles and head deformations, which were assumed to offer the basis of a racial classification. Later on it turned out that no physical trait could be of use for such a division. In the background is a tent that was used by the European members of the Lemaire expedition, but carried by African porters during the day.

Original legend

Le chef N'Gouda M'wevu du village Kibanga rendant visite à la mission.

Inventory number


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