Online Collection Database



political life


Moïse Tshombe with Évariste Léon Kimba (1926-1966). Kimba was a journalist for "L'Essor du Katanga" when he became deputy private secretary of “Ganshof van der Meersch” just before the independence. This Muluba was elected senator for the Conakat of Tshombe and even became minister in his Katangese government. He was elected as a member of parliament in 1965 for the Balubakat. On 13 October, he was appointed to form the national government and he was Prime Minister from 18 October to 14 November. He was asked to form a new government on 15 November by Kasa-Vubu… but Mobutu threw a spanner in the works through his coup of 24 November. The extremely ambitious Kimba was arrested on 30 May 1966 for the Whitsun conspiracy against state safety on 31 May and he was hung on 2 June.

Acquisition related person

Marc Gérard, as donor

Date of acquisition


Inventory number


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