Online Collection Database
portrait, political life
Place of production
Democratic Republic of the Congo > Bandundu > Mai-Ndombe > Lac Léopold II
Daniël Monguya Mbenge had a similar career as Vital Moanda. He became second vice-governor of Bandundu and was even appointed governor of Shaba in February 1972. Several months later, in July 1972, his name was stricken off the list of the "Commandeurs de l'Ordre du Léopard" and he was dismissed as governor. He was even convicted of grave shortcomings in the pursuance of his office in September 1972. After the first Shaba War, March-May 1977, he was sentenced to death by default. He founded the "Mouvement pour la Résurrection du Congo" (MARC) and published a "Histoire secrète du Zaïre: L'autopsie de la barbarie au service du monde”.
Acquisition related person
Marc Gérard, as donor
Date of acquisition
Original legend
Sur l'invitation du Gouverneur MONGUYA, le Président de la République le Lt-Général J.D. MOBUTU en compagnie de MM. TSHISEKEDI, KASHALE, NSINGA, J.J. KANDE et PALUKU, respectivement Ministres de l'Intérieur, Economie Nationale, Secrétaire d'Etat à la Justice, Haut-Commissaire à l'Information et au Tourisme du Gouvernement Central et Gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, a quitté la Capitale le jeudi 24 mars 1966 Inongo, chef-lieu de la province du Lac Léopold II. A Inongo, à sa descente d'avion, le Chef de l'Etat est accueilli par le Gouverneur MONGUYA.
Inventory number
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