Online Collection Database



headdress, body modifications, clothing/ornament, religious life, rites and beliefs, village sceneries, family/family life, events, body art


Henry Rosy

Place of production

Democratic Republic of the Congo > Equateur > Ubangi > Congo-Ubangi




The mothers say goodbye to their sons before they leave for the circumcision ceremony. They are painted in white, the colour of mourning, because their children are going to "die" and then be "reborn" as adults a few months later. Furthermore, if a boy should die during his confinement, his mother will only be told during the ritual's closing ceremony.

Acquisition related person

Inforcongo, as donor

Date of acquisition


Original legend

Cérémonies de la circoncision chez les Bwaka. La mère des "Gaza-No" fait les dernières recommandations à ses fils. Elle leur fait un petit discours "jusqu'à ce jour vous n'étiez encore que des enfants, mais maintenant vous allez devenir des hommes, et j'espère que vous n'oublierez pas que j'ai toujours été très bonne pour vous. Souvenez vous en quand vous serez des hommes".

Inventory number


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