Online Collection Database



clothing/ornament, object, religious life, rites and beliefs, village sceneries


Henry Rosy

Place of production

Democratic Republic of the Congo > Equateur > Ubangi > Congo-Ubangi


The costumes of the young initiates include a bark bracelet, the ga. The young men hold a small wooden lance known as a sere. Several days or weeks after the ceremony, the young men will drink a potion which will lift the food restrictions that they had to observe during their confinement. They are finally fully-fledged adults.

Acquisition related person

Inforcongo, as donor

Date of acquisition


Original legend

Cérémonies de la circoncision chez les Bwaka. gauche: brassard en écorce travaillée et peinte milieu: bracelets en écorce travaillée et peinte main: petite lance en bois

Inventory number


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